Wow the big Valentine’s holiday has come and gone. It’s not totally over yet though, I get today off to celebrate it. At least I assume that’s why we got today off; I’m not asking questions. Don’t have much planned though. Go to the gym and maybe cook some dinner.
Well that weekend didn’t come together quite as planned. Friday we were supposed to go bowling with a bunch of friends, an annual event sponsored by the Belangers. I was even planning to roll a few games this year. As it turned out though, neither of us were feeling very well. I don’t know if we just had the beat-downs from the week or what. Plus, I was on call so that always cuts into my plans. We ended up staying home and going to bed around 7:30. Weak.
Saturday we were still kind of shaky. We finally got up and around at ten o’clock or so, and headed down to Sharp’s for breakfast. It was ridiculously crowded as always. It reminds me of Jalapeno’s; It’s good but not great, yet there is always a 20 minute wait for a table. Odd. We stood around and scored some chairs at the bar finally. Breakfast revived us somewhat but we still took it easy the rest of the day just in case. We didn’t do much for Valentine’s either. I’d planned a big dinner of grilled tuna, but that menu got re-worked real quick when I saw the price of fresh ahi. Instead we went with eggplant parmesan, which was still good and much more budget friendly. We had some steamed mussels too, which came out quite nicely. I’d been wanting to try cooking them since we had them at a bar in Dallas recently. Kind of an odd pairing with eggplant, but oh well.
Sunday was similarly boring. We slept in, and then Donette went out with Anne & Susan and I did a whole day’s worth of nothing. Other than taking the dog for a walk I really didn’t accomplish anything. We did go out to dinner at 75th Street, which was fun. That place has been growing on us. It ranks pretty high on the list of “new places” we’ve been trying in our semi-successful attempt to go someplace besides the Brooksider. Not that there’s anything wrong with the ‘Sider, just need to branch out a bit. After dinner we went home and fired up the Rock Band game. The neighbor came over for a while to help play bass, and that pretty much wrapped up the weekend.
Note the weekly poll on the side of the page. I need to learn to play some kind of instrument so I can try out for “the band.” These are my top choices so far, but feel free to add suggestions.