Happy Monday Again

I seem to be in something of a lull on this thing.  Never did get around to updating all the exciting news from our week and a half vacation, and by now I’ve darn near forgotten all the finer details.  We did a lot of mountain-biking and hiking, and I went on my first horse ride.  Went to the Mile High Music Festival in Denver, which turned out great, but of course you can just read Ed’s site for that recap.  I’ll guess I should at least post some pictures eventually.  But not today.  Or tomorrow.

Not too much happened last weekend.  I really don’t think I’ve quite snapped out of vacation mode yet, but I’m trying.  I did start the weekend strong down at the Brooksider.  I met up with a good portion of the BBQ team down there after work, and we spent the better part of the evening laying out our strategic plans for the upcoming competitions.  We pondered for several hours, eventually resolving to meet again at some later date and do some more pondering.  After that Donette & I headed up the street to the Corner Cocktail for one of their fine hamburgers.  Delicious.

Saturday I got up with best intentions of heading out on a bike ride.  Didn’t happen.  I ended up bellying up to the computer desk and messing with my old webserver all day.  I got the idea in my head that I should switch databases, which ended up being a far greater undertaking than I imagined.  Talk about a waste of a day.  Oh well, I must have been entertained because I sat there all stinking afternoon.  I did head down to the Brooksider for the Royals game again.  Simultaneous Royals and Chiefs games on the TV’s;  The excitement was almost too much to bear.  I headed back home at half-time, and then Donette joined me at 75th Street to watch the rest of the baseball game.  We headed back home after that, where we decided it was time for some late dinner.  She fired up the grill and made some tasty chicken…  Quite delicious.  After that I tried to watch the second game of the double-header, but I don’t think I even saw the first pitch before falling asleep.

Sunday was even less eventful.  I again managed to let myself get sucked into the mysterious database project.  And, unlike Saturday, actually got it working finally.  So I wasted two days on it, only to find it really doesn’t perform any better than the old one.  Sigh.  In between geek sessions, we went down to Jalapenos for our Sunday afternoon burrito fix.  I stopped by the Brooksider on the way home, intending to catch the Royals game on the back deck.  I grabbed a table, and quickly noticed that there weren’t any other “regular” patrons in attendance.  I decided that was OK, I was just going to stare at the TV anyway.  Then I noticed the unfamiliar waitress patrolling the grounds.  Well, that was just a little too much change for one day, so I got up and left.