Happy Halloween

This weekend we went back to the “run all over the place” mentality.  We started off on Friday with a going away for one of Donette’s co-workers down at the ‘Sider.  I didn’t stay too long though…  They had a band starting at 9:00-ish so I feigned interest in the World Series game and went home.  Donette stayed until some ridiculous hour though… I don’t really know when she got home but it was well after I turned in.

Saturday was a veritable smorgasbord of events.  I warmed up for the day by going down to the Brooksider and watching the MU game with everybody.  This is the second of their games that I have watched this season, both of which resulted in their only two losses.  I think I’m a jinx or something.  After the game we headed over to Ann and Mark’s for a fish fry.  Our buddy Ritchie catches all these fish and then occasionally throw a big fish fry, which I am a big fan of.  I had hush puppy duty again, like the last time, and again they didn’t come out too hot.  Man, I don’t remember hush puppies being that hard to make back in my Caption D’s fry-cook days.  Must take practice or something.  After the fish fry, we headed back home and then went to a costume party at one of our neighbors.  It was a good time… It probably would have been even more enjoyable if A) I liked costume parties, and B) I liked talking to strangers.  Oh well, it was fun anyway.

Sunday we had tickets to the Chiefs game, so we started off the day with a tailgate party.  We went a little more “upscale” than usual… ribs, chicken, green rice casserole, assorted chips and dip, and of course Munkir’s specialty cookies for dessert.  As far as the game, it provided plenty of entertainment and the weather was close to perfect.  I don’t think it could be much better on a late October game.  All good stuff:  Good tailgate, Chief’s victory, and good weather.  After that we bolted back home, pretty well exhausted.  Todd came over and watched some re-runs of “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” but I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open.  I struggled through the first half of the Cowboys/Panthers game, and called it a weekend.

Since my little mid-week post below this one, I have changed servers yet again!!  (Control your excitement, please.)  This could actually be the final iteration of my little project.  Once again, still a little Linksys box, but now it is running on a small flash drive instead of an external hard drive.  Takes less electricity, hopefully more reliable, and much quieter.  I was so excited I even took a picture of it.  That is the whole thing in the picture… no keyboard or mouse, no monitor, it’s the whole shootin’ match.  That little box is running this site, http://www.kingwoodtrophies.com, and the message board for the BBQ Team.  Nifty!!  And, while I was messing around with it, I also posted some more pictures for your browsing enjoyment.  We have a (huge) photo album of the American Royal, and a few pictures from this last eventful weekend.

5 thoughts on “Happy Halloween

  1. That photo of the slug is suitable for framing, my friend. Don’t be surprised if you amble over to my cubicle one day only to find
    an 8×10 glossy of that photo generously surrounded by a mahogany frame….

    We’re talking geek hall of fame here….

  2. What did you dress up as for the costume party? A:Uncle Fester, B: Gansta Rapper w/Pitbull accessory C: Non-Interesting, don’t talk to me as I sit on the couch and watch the party reveler

  3. I gave great consideration to the “Pitbull on a log chain” costume. Easy, humorous, and functional. Plus, with the three Yorkies that were at the party, we could have provided some entertainment value too.

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Happy Halloween

I really should be relieved of any responsibility for updates today, because it’s a holiday.

Not only is it a holiday, but I’m in a peculiarly foul temperament too.  Not all that peculiar I guess.  Makes it hard to concentrate though.

Let’s see… Weekend summary.  Friday we did zippo.  I was too spent.  I sat out on the back porch and burned some stuff; Had a nice little fire actually.  After I ran out of wood, I went inside and watched “The Incredibles” with the wife.  Cozy little movie night, even if the movie was a little unsettling.  Cartoons freak me out.

Saturday we did a little lawn work, then headed out to Martin City for some BBQ at Jack Stack.  Threw down on some ribs, then did a little shopping.  After glutting myself on a slab of baby backs, I went home, put the dog away, and went to a barbecue party.  All BBQ, all weekend baby.  Bad part was that the fiesta was in Olathe KS.  But, what the heck, I cheerily made the long drive and didn’t even mention what a horrible inconvenience the location was.  OK, maybe it did get mentioned a few times…

Sunday was a day-o-work again.  All this weekend activity is making me feel very important and needed.  And possibly a few other things.  Keeps me out of trouble I guess.  But, I did get to watch all the games so it wasn’t that bad.  My Fantasy Football team got crushed, bringing my season record to a remarkably decent 4-4.  It doesn’t help when half the guys you start are on bye weeks… Oops.  I don’t pay much attention to the whole thing apparently.  Did a little PC work too… Had my first experience with a Linspire machine.  I thought it sucked, which is another way of saying I couldn’t figure it out.

Tonight we’re going to a Halloween party, which will be outside so it will likely be a pretty short party.  Still debating on taking the pup… I had a costume all designed for him but didn’t get it finished.  I would encourage everyone to bring their kids by for some candy.  We’ve got tons of it, and I’m not talking dum dums and starburst.  We’re talking premium treats.  And nobody will come by and get any.  “I’m not bringing my kid to that neighborhood.”  C’mon man, this ain’t exactly the ‘hood.  True, our average trick-or-treater is 24 years old and not wearing a costume, but it never hurts to try and swing the demographic a bit.

Oh yeah…   One of my buddies down at the coffee shop hooked me up with two fine meat carving sets.  Munkirs and I (Team Brisket) are gonna be stylin’ at the competitions next year.