Happy 4th!

An abbreviated posting is in order, as I have the day off and I don’t want to spend it frivolously on my computer.  I’m thinking maybe on the couch watching movies or something exciting like that.  Hey, it’s raining, what else can I do.  Plus the paper put me at a two-star day so I better not push my luck.

Good weekend, all in all.  Friday, believe it or not, we stopped by the Brooksider.  Our best intention was to wish our friend Jerry a happy birthday, then get on home.  It didn’t work out exactly as planned, but that’s the way it goes.  Jerry wasn’t even there, but Martin & Brice were, so I ended up staying much later than I meant to.  Then, our friend Brooke made an unannounced visit to KC and dropped by the ‘Sider, and we stayed much much later than planned.  It happens.

Saturday I starting paying the price of my unscheduled later nighter when the alarm went off at 5:00.  Munkirs was picking me at 6:00 to drive out to Independence for a bike ride.  No, this wasn’t a last-second event, we’d been planning it all week.  I was well aware of the plans when I stayed out Friday night, it was just an exercise in poor judgement.  Anyway, I managed to drag my carcass out of bed, get some breakfast in me, and for the most part be ready when my ride showed up.  Martin met us out there, and we all three were actually in relatively good shape by the time the ride started.  (They had coffee and donuts on site;  Probably a life-saver.)  The ride was a cancer benefit called “Freedom Ride.”  We opted for the 40 mile route.  I’m confident we could have survived the listed 50 mile ride, but it wasn’t an option listed when we got there.  It jumped from 40 to 70, which sounded a bit optimistic.  The forty turned out great though, it was really a good route.  I haven’t gotten to ride on any open roads in a long time.  Everything around here is all stop signs every two blocks or so;  Gets pretty old.  This was just long stretches of uninterrupted riding, much nicer.  The only downside was a few listed “rolling hills.”  I wasn’t aware they had mountains in Independence;  Now I know better.  After that nice bit of exercise, I got home to find Donette getting ready for the pool.  Sounded good to me, so I joined her for an afternoon of lethargy.  We got rained out around 5:00, so we headed over to a nearby friend’s house for bit, then home to watch the Royals game.

We took it easy on the holiday.  Just don’t celebrate the Fourth like I used to.  We puttered around the house all day doing a little cooking, and that was about it.  My Uncle Roy & Aunt Joyce stopped by for a nice little visit, so we got to catch up with them.  Then, around 3:30 or so we headed over to our friend Ronnie’s house for a “gathering.”  (He didn’t want to have a “party” due to the work involved with that, so we all agreed on the term “gathering,” with the understanding “You want it, you bring it.”)  It was a fine gathering, indeed.  He’s got a huge front porch, so about 15 of us just sat outside and enjoyed the relatively decent weather and some good food.

2 thoughts on “Happy 4th!

  1. Nothing, absolutly NOTHING could have beat sitting in a torrential downpour watching the “most awesome fireworks ever” with us. So sorry you guys missed out on it this year! But I suppose yours sounds slightly more relaxing.

  2. Ha ha, yeah I’ll take your word for that!  I’d have liked to see some fireworks, but not in the rain.  The humidity makes my joints hurt, you know.

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