Hmmm…Doni trying to help Phil out by uploading a picture but I am not smart enough (or don’t care) to get it to work. Phil can figure it out later. 🙂
I (being Phil at this point) shall now try my hand at this. Yeah I don’t really “get” how to put pictures on here either. The purpose of the post was to recap our “date night” yesterday. While it is true that we go out more nights than not, last night we ventured out of the Brookside/Waldo area, qualifying the evening as a “date.” Our entertainment of choice was a beer tasting/dinner at Grinders. The event was sponsored by Magic Hat Brewing. We met their local rep at the Brew Ha Ha last weekend and talked for quite a while, so when we saw this event pop up we decided to show up. She actually remembered us too, we must have talked longer than I thought. It was a fun event at any rate. Much different than the dinners we’ve been to at 75th Street. Decidedly more casual themed for one thing. I wouldn’t call that good or bad, just “different.” We’ll probably check a few more of them out (second Tuesday of every month) and see if they are all that good.
OK that’s not really what I had in mind for the picture but it’s on there. I’ll mess with it later.
Magic Hat is good stuff. What did you think of the beer?
Oh I liked it alot. (Well except for the ginger beer but I just don’t like those.) Very fond of the #9.