Good To Be Home

Wow, I am so glad to be back home in KC.  This nice little snow-fall provides me a timely reminder of how lucky I am to live in a climate that has these changes of season, so I don’t have to look out the window and see the same ol’ 79 and sunny weather every single day.  Yes indeedy.  That’s exactly what I was thinking as I was stuck on the bus in a snow-drift for an hour and a half this morning.  Indeedy.

I do apologize for the lengthy website outage, that was quite unintentional.  As a matter of fact, I had planned to keep a running update of our island time while we were gone.  Alas, in my zeal to save an extra 48 cents on the light bill while we were gone, I apparently flipped one switch too many on the way out the door.  Oops.  That leaves me with an entire two weeks of updates to type in here, so here goes.  Day 1:  Sat on the beach and did some snorkeling.  Grilled some fresh fish for dinner.  Day 2:  Sat on a different beach and did some snorkeling.  Grilled another kind of fish for dinner.  Day 3:  Sat on another….  OK you get the idea.  With the exception of one rain-out day, one off-shore snorkel trip, and one dinner cruise, that pattern effectively describes every day of our two-week trip.  We did take a few (literally, “a few”) pictures, which have been posted already, before I mess around and never get it done like after our Colorado trip.  I also have a ton of videos taken with our super-duper new GoPro camera, some of which are rather cool, which I haven’t quite decided what to do with yet.  I’m not so sure this site would handle them, maybe I’ll just link to utube or something.

So anyway, the vacation is over and it’s back to the routine.  My New Years resolution is to update this page a bit more regularly (although I really can’t imagine with what) so we’ll see how that works out.  I guess this week could feasibly be spent covering some of the highlights and lowlights of our trip…  After that things might get dicey.

2 thoughts on “Good To Be Home

  1. Nice job on the whale pics. They are so hard to catch. As for your website being down….uh, huh likely story.

  2. Yeah I thought I was gonna get seasick staring through the camera view-finder, trying to catch one of those suckers.

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