Full On Summer

I guess we’re in summertime now, and that means HOT. We’ve been stuck in triple digits for two weeks now. Supposed to stick around all this week too. I guess that’s what A/C is for. Given the heat, we didn’t do TOO much this weekend. Friday we just snuck out to our favorite local haunt, Bones. Haven’t been there in a while for various reasons, so it was good to see everybody again and catch up on the local news.

Saturday, we had a kiddy birthday party to attend. Well, at least that’s what I enjoyed telling anyone and everyone who happened to ask what we were doing for the weekend. The birthday boy was actually turning 31, so it’s not like I had to go to Chucky Cheese or anything. That’s a kid in my book though. I’m not really sure what area they live in; Fairplay maybe? It was way up a winding rural road. They’ve got a nice property up there, and the altitude made the heat a little more bearable than down at our house. It was a fun outdoor party, I had a great time. I did have something of a revelation while enjoying myself though; All of a sudden, I looked around and noticed that most people were playing games and acting crazy, and I was sitting in a chair with the Old Folk Group. This was a real eye-opener for me. Know what I did? I just kept right on sitting there. I was quite comfortable and enjoyed several conversations.

Sunday, we had a few places planned to visit, but none of them came together. TOO HOT!! Yeah, recurring theme there. I did run up to the grocery store and grab a pack of chicken. Despite the heat I kind of felt like grilling some bird. It was some of the best chicken I’ve ever grilled, if I do say so myself. I’ve got long-running issues with the dreaded leathery-chicken-skin, and for once it came out perfectly crispy. Grilled some passable artichokes for the first time also, so all-in-all it was just a successful cook!