Another weekend, another tube trip. We didn’t have a whole lot to do, so we rallied the troops and headed to Coloma for another relaxing trip down the river. Actually, it was “moderately” relaxing. I’m not sure it was because the water was up or down, but the river was significantly faster. We went through a few stretches that left me thinking “Yeah, maybe this isn’t exactly tubing conditions.” Indeed, the vast majority of the floaters are on big commercial rafts. Eh, I’m a cheapskate, what can I say. It is cheap entertainment to be sure. Twenty bucks a tube, (Which have somehow now survived three trips down the river,) eight bucks to park, few bones in petrol to get there, and you’ve got a full afternoon of good entertainment. Granted, a few bumps and bruises to go along with it, but it’s to be expected. Only two of the crew dumped this time, I think our tube skills are improving. Afterwards we stopped by a place called Marco’s for a few slices of pizza, then headed on home to nurse our wounds. Hopefully they heal by next week, as we’re planning to hit it again.
- Thinking about actually using my paddle, which I insist on carrying
- Michael and I enjoying the afternoon
- The whole flotilla crew
- The wife and I headed downstream
- Friday happy hour at Amador Brewing Co. I left that out of my update, not because it wasn’t fun, but because I’m lazy.