First Time Cruising!

We have returned from our long-planned trip to the frozen tundra of Alaska. Yep, “frozen tundra” is really a thing. That and “permafrost.” Anyway, this trip was my first time on a cruise ship. We took a little mini-cruise from Florida to the Bahamas many years ago, but I’ve always heard it did not really count in the cruise world. This turned out to indeed be the case, this trip was in a whole different class than that overnight boat trip.

We spent the first few days and nights on a “land tour,” starting in Anchorage and then up to Denali. This was a good way to get to see the famous Denali National Park, although I must I say I could have done without all the bus time to get there and back. Couldn’t really be avoided though, that was just how you get there. After that we took another bus ride to Seward, Alaska where we got on the Norwegian Jewel ship for the cruise part of the trip. I will admit to rather low expectations of the whole “cruise” thing, but it was really great. The port cities were fun and interesting (if quite tourist oriented,) and the ship was just right up my alley. I have admittedly low entertainment requirements, but it certainly had plenty to keep me occupied. The food was great, the crew was great, and I just generally really enjoyed it.

On the downsides? Well, we were with a large group (my family,) and Norwegian just botched up our air travel to an unimaginable degree. I honestly cannot even fathom what they were thinking, if they were at all. At the end of the day(s,) I guess we all got there and back to our respective origin cities, if not without considerable hassle and delays. Smaller quibble: The internet service on the ship was absolutely abysmal. We all signed up for it so that we would have an easy way to communicate within our group. Where we were, daily plans, dinner reservations, etc. It was so bad that the texts rarely went through though. For a little insult to injury, it was $80 per person. I would imagine we could have gotten our money back on that without too much trouble, but I was so happy with everything else I kinda just chalked it up to “lesson learned.” (They did say the ship is supposed to be getting Starlink in the near future. Didn’t help us on this trip but I imagine if we go again that will fix the issues.) Only other downside was I got sick. Not like sea-sick, but germy-boat sick. Donette did too, and some other members of the group. Sounds like that is just kind of a cruise thing. Blech, no fun. Next time I’ll pack my flu stuff along with everything else.

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