Easter “bye” week

I claim a bye week on the update, due to Easter.  There is nothing that happens at Float Trip that needs to be rehashed on a public website.  Either you were there and experienced the horror first hand, or you weren’t there and don’t need to know what went on.  It was a good float; 50 canoes, hot weather, and good food.  That’s all I can say, under penalty of a grunching.  While “The Great Carl Incident of 2006” was rather interesting, “That Tree Thing” truly amusing, and “The Wounded Pledge” story fascinating, they are just not tales that can be recounted.

For the Holiday itself, we went to Mom’s for a traditional ham dinner.  I guess it’s a tradition for my family anyway, if not everyone’s.  The day was cut short though, due to a rather unfortunate situation involving a ladder, a tree limb, and a trip to the emergency room.