Went on a nice lil’ bike ride last night, one of my last before my almost foolish endeavor this weekend. It went pretty well, with the exception of some still-lingering back pain. Hopefully that is from my admittedly weak trip to the gym on Monday, and not an after-effect of the ill-fated 75-miler a few weeks ago. Anyway, last night Munkirs & I went on the Mission Hills ride. Despite a somewhat fierce headwind I got my 17 miles in at a decent pace. The route took exactly one hour, which by my math averages out to about… Oh roughly 17 miles per hour. I managed to keep up with the front of the group, at the expense of my lungs. I just can’t seem to breathe when I ride at that pace. I don’t really understand it either; I’m down to one or two cigars a week and I try to eat healthy on Saturdays and Thursdays. Just don’t make no sense.