Cutting the Cord?

Once again I am on my kick of turning off our cable TV.  That may be a bit drastic, but I am truly tired of the ridiculous monthly bill just so I can sit on the couch and click through countless channels of nothing.  Every now and then I will admit it does come in handy though, and those are the times I cannot decide if I can do without.  Case in point, Saturday evening when I needed to kill some time until my work started at midnight.  I started clicking around and found a Clint Eastwood marathon;  Back-to-back-to-back westerns.  Problem solved.  More frequent still are the sporting events I want to watch.  Most of those could probably be watched for free though, if I could just figure out how to run the big antenna in our attic down to the TV’s.  Or of course I could walk down to the Brooksider and sponge one of their 40 televisions, although the likelihood of me going down there to watch an 8:00 p.m. game is pretty remote.  I played around last night and got Hulu running on both the televisions, so that covers a lot of the series that Donette likes to watch.  We can watch Netflix on both too, although their “on demand” selection is rather weak.  We shall see what the next few weeks bring.  We’re going to run in a “Netflix-Hulu-Boxee-Cable” hybrid mode for a while and then re-assess the situation.

2 thoughts on “Cutting the Cord?

  1. With Boxee is there any thing similar to a DVR? Meaning that you can see a list of unwatched episodes of a show that you are subscribed to?

  2. You can’t DVR shows per se, but they do have a lot of back episodes listed.  I also downloaded PlayOn media server from It will let you stream pretty much anything from your pc to your game consoles (including wii) so if you can get a show dvr’d to your pc, it will stream it to your TV. That seems to work pretty slick so far, and also handles the netflix and hulu content.  It costs though;  I doubt I end up paying for it but I’m giving it a try.

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