Conspiracy Theory

Man, the world was against me this weekend, I tell ‘ya.  I got nothing to report.  NOTHING!!  Donette was out of town, Todd was out of town, the Brooksider was closed, and the weather was crappy.  Where’s that leave me, I ask you?  What about ME??!!  I pretty much sat at home working and watching TV, in a bitter state of boredom and maudlin.  (“Maudlin” is my word of the week, brought to you by Junior Soprano, episode 59.)

Friday I got out for a few hours.  Donette was on a business trip to St. Louis, so Todd and I went to GAF’s up on Wornall, a.k.a. Romanelli’s.  It was OK, but a bit too laid back for crazy guys like us.  I had to go pick up Gabe at 6:30, and after that Todd came over to watch TV and eat cheese and crackers.  Seriously.

Saturday Gabe and I both were a testament to the phrase “Idle hands are the devil’s tools.”  That poor puppy was so bored he couldn’t help but get in trouble.  He’d be laying there watching TV with me, and you could just see that simple little brain churning away.  “Bored.  Bored.  Gotta do something.  Bored.”  Next thing you know he’d be chasing the cat, or walking around on the kitchen counters, or running around with Donette’s stuffed animals in his mouth, or assorted other mischievous activities.  And as for myself, I thought it’d be a good idea to catch up on a bunch of stuff at work since I didn’t have anything to do.  Turned out to be a bad idea;  Everything I touched went to crap.  Next thing I knew it was 2:00 in the morning and I had stuff broken all over the friggin’ country.  DOH!!  I got all my messes cleaned up, although it was well past my bedtime when the smoke finally cleared.

Sunday was a bit sunnier, if a bit chilly, so Gabe and I went and hung out at the park for a while.  He got some good running in, wore him out a bit.  He sacked out as soon as we got back home, so I went down and celebrated the re-opening of the Brooksider.  And, with that, my weekend was mercifully over.