Christmas ’22

Hope everyone had a very merry Christmas. We certainly did, although I have to admit I’m always glad it’s over. It’s exhausting! Running all over the place, shopping, visiting… Eeesh. We made it through though, unscathed for the most part. Friday night we stuck to our usual schedule, which is an early dinner at Bones. Pretty standard-issue Friday night there, with the exception that the jukebox was broken so it was rather eerily quiet. Santa and Mrs. Claus showed up for a surprise visit, so that was certainly exciting! Quick tip; Never wear a Santa suit to the bar… Everybody will want to take a picture with you. Poor guy probably has a sore leg from all the… ahem… “plus-size” patrons sitting on his lap. Seemed to take it in stride though. I guess if you’re Santa Claus you get used to it after a few millennia. One of our waitress friends even had a bag of homemade Christmas tamales for us, that was a nice surprise!

Saturday some friends were having a big Christmas Eve party. By “big,” I’m talking 30 people. At once. All in the same place. Yeah, I had to graciously decline that one. While it sounds like everyone had a great time, and great food, it all sounded just a bit overwhelming. I opted to stay home and fix a rib roast for the two of us instead. I went to pick it up Thursday, and the girl at the meat counter rather apologetically admitted it was the last one they had, and came in a rather unimpressive 2.5 pounds. Hey, it’s for two people, that’s perfect! It was somewhere between a really big ribeye steak or a really small rib roast, but I was glad to get one that size. In something of an experimental cook, I threw it in the sous vide for 8 hours while we watched football games, then finished it in the air fryer for 10 minutes. Success! It was pretty darn good, and perfectly cooked. A rarity for me these days.

We kicked off Christmas morning by ourselves, with the pups, opening presents and listening to some festive holiday music. A nice, relaxing start to the day. We all got lots of nice gifts, puppies included. While I have to think they really don’t grasp “Christmas present,” they sure do seem to enjoy unwrapping them. Big fun right there. We sat through a few more football games, then headed out to dinner over at a friends house. They’d been smoking a 17 lb brisket all night, and it came out great. I am not sure bbq quite qualifies as a traditional Christmas dinner, but it should. Had some beans, mac ‘n cheese, slaw… Good stuff.

Stay In School, Kids

We’re snowed in out west! OK not really, but there is a dusting on the ground, and it is inhumanly cold. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this, but just to reiterate, we moved too high. I don’t even remember where we’re at; 2,000’+ I believe. All I remember is the listing advertised it as “below the snow line.” Another lie, tsk. Could be worse I suppose, but at the same time I am absolutely sure it could be better. Since our last move, I’ve come to know we are now considered “West Slope” dwellers, whereas our last house was “Valley.” Lessoned learned, too late I guess.

Not much to do last weekend, too dang cold to go outside. I did finally get the top put on the Jeep, so at least we have the option of travel should it be needed. Case in point, we took it up to Bones Friday for our regularly scheduled “end of week” celebration. Didn’t stay too long, but it was nice to get out of the house. After that we scurried back home and Donette made a tasty cheese tray, which we snacked on while watching “Bullet Train.” Seemed like a reasonably exciting move, but I fell asleep half way though.

Saturday I again hopped in the Jeep and headed west to the local butcher shop. They had a shipment of A5 Wagyu beef in, and I had my eye on a bit for our upcoming New Years Eve celebration. What ensued would be the reference to the “stay in school” title. Man, I don’t know if it was the exorbitant price or what, but I got a bit rattled. I told the girl I wanted “8 oz.” After a brief discussion on when we were eating it, how many people was it for, blah blah, she picked out a piece and threw it on the scale, which read “.5 lb.” She seemed pretty pleased, while I said, “I think I need a little more.” Well, she says, you have to be careful, it is very rich, 8 oz is about right for 4 people. Yep, right, I need some more. (Did she not hear me right, and why is she giving me that funny look?) Somebody else asked her something, and I jumped on the chance to ask another girl if she could put another piece on the scale. She obliged, and it says “.8 lb.” Perfect, thank you! Grabbed a few pork chops for good measure, and drove home in my blissful ignorance. It was a few days later when it finally struck me that, due to the idiosyncrasies of the stupid imperial measurement system, .5 lbs is, in fact, 8 oz. I inadvertently ended up with just over 13 ounces. I am an advocate for the metric system myself, I like the round numbers. Next time maybe I’ll order .2 kg, or maybe 200 grams, etc, and see what they say. (I would likely be asked to leave and come back when I could talk proper.) For evening entertainment, we put on Bullet Train again. I fell asleep again.

Sunday we got up to the beautiful snow blanketing our yard, and still coming down hard. Blech. Double-blech. It was deep enough that I had to get out and shovel a path for the pups, which Quinn seemed appreciative of. (Nacho, not so much. She ain’t getting off the porch, path or no.) After that it was an afternoon of football and the aforementioned pork chops. Pretty much a standard Sunday, so the snow didn’t affect us too much. Still a little bit out there too, but it’s melting, if not quite fast enough.

Anddddd The Holidays are Here

I guess it’s that time of the year again. Hopefully everybody had a good Thanksgiving, I know we did. We went to a large gathering “down the hill” and enjoyed a huge meal with a bunch of friends. Outstanding meal. My favorite was the smoked turkey I believe. Remarkably, there are several in the group that intentionally avoid it. I will never quite grasp that bizarre trait, but hey, more for me. Other than that, well… We have watched a lot of football and done some shopping and… Yeah not much. We were supposed to be out camping this week, but called it off last minute due to the rain. There is only about two weeks of rain per year here, and of course it happens to coincide with our trip that’s been planned for months. Go figure.


It got cold up here! (Over here, out here, down here, whatever… I’m not a geography major.) Our poor garden went from big healthy plants, full of tomatoes and peppers, to a bunch of dead sticks. Time to open the gate and let the deer feast I guess. Supposedly the tomatillos will come back next year, but I am guessing not. They certainly don’t look like they survived. We have grand plans of tearing down the beds and replacing this winter anyway. (Yeah, we’ll see how that works out.)

Well, my scheme of jotting down a few notes during the week to remember the highlights didn’t really work out. Not only can I not remember the highlights without notes, I can’t even remember to take notes. Tsk. Luckily this past weekend we didn’t do much, so it really ain’t that hard to recall. The weekend kicked off Friday with an appointment for family Christmas photos. Yeah, really. The rescue we got our little ‘uns from does an annual fundraiser, and it’s kind of fun to get the dogs in for some portraits. And when I say “kind of fun,” I mean an anxiety-filled 30 minutes of complete mayhem and chaos. Yeah, you can tell Quinn & Nacho to “sit, stay,” all you want; They’ve never heard those words before so it doesn’t have a huge effect. Put a few little holiday costumes on them to confuse them even more, and you’ve got a real recipe for mayhem on your hands. Quinny didn’t bite anybody, and Nacho didn’t faint, so I declare it a victory. Hopefully they snuck in a few good shots, we’ll know in a few weeks. Their buddy Renfield joined in the fun also, so we went over to his house afterwards to decompress for a few hours, then back up the hill.

Saturday and Sunday were spent out at Hart to Hart vineyards, visiting their annual Christmas fair event. Wait… Two days worth? Yeah, it just sort of worked out that way. A friend of ours had a booth there, so we went out to see her wares on Saturday. The event was pretty well attended, considering the weather was a little overcast and just a bit on the chilly side. I will admit that although I was certainly drawn to our friend’s top-notch selection of totally adorable Christmas baubles, I also held a strong interest in the food trucks that were in attendance. Among them was Cousins Maine Lobster, which I’ve wanted to try for quite some time. I gotta say, I was just a touch underwhelmed. To be fair, I’ve never had a “lobster roll,” so I didn’t really have much of an idea what it was. I’ll admit though, I had built it up in my head to be something a bit more dramatic than some lobster meat on a roll. Live and learn, as they say. Don’t get me wrong; The lobster was delicious, and I’d call it a plenty generous portion, I just thought it was something “different.” (In which case, I would have complained about there being too much filler and not enough lobster.) They did offer two different styles though, maybe I’ll try the other next time I see them.

Sunday we got up ready for our standard day of NFL games on the couch. And, indeed, we watched the early game at 6:30, and then of course the Chiefs at 10:00. We enjoyed the Chiefs win, and then noticed it had warmed up to a nice, 60-degree sunny day outside. It looked so nice out we actually hauled ourselves off the couch, put the top down on the car, and headed out to the Christmas fair again. Effectively just a repeat of our Saturday, but with nicer weather. Oh, and we did buy a few things Sunday. I got some alpaca socks to keep my lil’ feet warm, some cheeses, and a few packages of peanut brittle. Solid event!