Andddd we’re back from commercial break. Wow, longest downtime in the history of Long story as short as I can make it, we’ve been out of town in the RV since late February. Shortly after we left (4 days or so?) all my websites went down. (I’ll generically refer to them as websites… Most besides this page would be better described as “utilities.”) There wasn’t anything I could do about it because, well, I was gone, with no means to see what happened. Upon our return home Saturday, I looked into the issue, and it turned out to be a very simple change I’d made on the way out the door for our trip. Gee, where have I heard this story before? Ugh. I still don’t know exactly WHY it broke everything, but I guess I’m not worried about it. Just kidding, of course I am, I’ll be trying to recreate the problem until I figure it out. Or, just as likely, it never happens again. Who knows.
So, as to our big trip. We loaded up the RV back in February and headed to Salome, AZ. Took a little get-away from the cold (OK, cool) weather here in CA, see some friends, and have some fun. We did a little light house-hunting while we were there too, because hey, you just never know. We’ve got some friends who winter at an RV park there, and they were able to score us a nice spot with full hookups for free! It was, in my opinion, the best part of the trip. Hung out with friends, ate some great food, had several bonfires, took a ride in the desert on side-by-sides… Just a great time. As a nice bonus, it was in the mid-seventies for our stay. Fun times.
We were in Salome just under a week, then we packed up and headed for Cottonwood AZ, which is about 30 minutes from Sedona. Also a great stay! We did some hikes, visited a few nearby National Parks, mingled at the park clubhouse (yes, really!) and just generally relaxed. Side note on the National Park visits: When we were standing in line for tickets, there was a sign that said “free pass for veterans.” Well, what the heck, I’ve got my card with me, I shall inquire. Well, in less time than it took to fork over my $20 entrance fee, she handed me a card good for both of us, told me it was good at any National Park, and never expires! Worked out quite nicely. For our other touristy days, we visited downtown Cottonwood, Jerome, and of course Sedona. Cottonwood had a nice little old-town area, we went there more than once. A few easy hikes for us and the pups, nice shops, and great scenery. Jerome… meh. It was definitely a dedicated tourist town. Absolutely packed, difficult parking, crazy prices, and long waits for everything. And this was on a Monday, can’t imagine what it would be like on a weekend. And then Sedona, take all those descriptions X3. No thank you, although we did go on a great hike while we were there.
In the house hunting category, that was limited to the Salome area. Our realtor here in CA was nice enough to set us up with realtors in both places we visited. Salome went very well. Looked at probably half a dozen homes, and one of them is actually pretty high on the list. Heck, I’d buy it today if not for the daunting prospect of moving again. Still in the “thinking” phase of that one. (Which means we’ll procrastinate until somebody else buys it and miss out.) When we got to Cottonwood, we contacted the guy there and told him what we were looking for and laid out our budget. Never heard from the guy again, haha. OK, I can take a hint. Honestly we pretty quickly crossed it off the list anyway, after it snowed on us more than once. The weather there was not nearly as nice as Salome. The qualifying factor there is, it was March… Summertime will be another story I am told. Apparently Sedona routinely hits 115-120 during those months. Uhhh, what?!?! And people survive there?