Brrrr. Surely it is almost Spring by now. What is it, mid-February? Poor little Belle, big mean pit bull that she is, gets so cold that she won’t hardly even go outside. We bought her some boots and a sweater (seriously) but she still doesn’t get too excited about “going” in the snow. And who would? I need to take a video of her walking in her boots though, it’s pretty comical; Probably worthy of a you-tube submission. Don’t laugh in her face though, she’s very sensitive.
Friday ranked in my “Top 5 Boring Days of All Time.” Probably somewhere around number six, but maybe as high as four. I started a two-week stretch of oncall and I was trying to get in work mode I guess. Finally around 8:00 I got so bored I popped “U-571” in the DVD player. Not a bad movie, maybe a little Macgyver-esque for my taste. Donette, meanwhile, went to bed around 7:00. Whew, wacky day in the ‘hood.
Saturday I got up early and cleaned out the basement, waxed all the floors, and sealed the driveway. Or, I might have drank coffee and very slowly read the paper. Something along those lines. Luckily Donette’s parents come over around noon to take us out to lunch, before I actually burst into tears from the boredom. We went to Princess Gardens at 89th & Wornall, which, despite the close proximity to our house, we’d never been to. It was a good lunch, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t make it back there. Good food, good price, etc, but Kin Lin is closer and we’re used to it. But, you never know, we may decide to branch out again some day. After lunch, I worked on my computer a bit, which resulted in a large pile of parts and a non-working PC. Boy did THAT upgrade go wrong. But then, what doesn’t go wrong when you put a screwdriver in my hand? What can ya’ do. I am still reeling from the scathing feedback given last time I tried to post an exciting expose’ on my computer projects, so I will skip the gory details. Briefly, my super-duper blazing fast PC has been reduced to rubble for want of a $2.50 piece of plastic, which nobody has in stock. Sigh. For evening entertainment, we went to our first (and likely only) Christmas party of the season. It was at John & Susan’s house over in the good part of town, which we don’t get to venture in to very often. We had a fine and festive time; It was pretty much like being at the Brooksider (same people) but with all the cheese you could eat. My stomach still ain’t right. After ingesting several pounds of assorted cheeses, I had to go fulfill some oncall obligations, so our evening was cut a bit short, but we had fun all the same.
Sunday I slept in a bit, since I was up well past my bedtime working. What the heck, I don’t have a PC, why get out of bed anyway. I had to drag myself up eventually though, as my Mom and niece Rebecca were coming over for lunch. We fixed a tasty fritatta and some pancakes… more like breakfast I suppose, but that’s OK. After eating, the girls put together a very Christmas-y gingerbread house. Now how’s that for festive? Next thing you know we’ll be putting up a tree and everything. (Not likely.) Later in the afternoon I headed down to the Brooksider to watch football while Donette did some shopping. I took a new tact this week in monitoring my fantasy football team, which was to totally ignore it, and so far my strategy has payed off. (Well, in one league anyway.) It ain’t over yet, there are still a few players to go this evening, but so far I am looking like a team of destiny. And that’s all I’m gonna say, I don’t want to jinx myself. (If I didn’t already…)
By the way, Donette put up a few pictures of our Mexico trip in our photo gallery. For a much more comprehensive set, check out Ed’s.
Hey, I checked out the Mexico pictures and all I have to say is, Mexico seems to be a bit far to go to play a game of ping pong.
And please, for the love of God, go into detail about your PC issues. I thrive on it. Email me “off-list” if you must (you know where I am). I need to hear about your (mis)fortune as I am going through some (mis)fortune of my own over here. First the CPU fan dies, now I need a new hard drive cable. Oh, and not just *any* hard drive cable, but the “80-conductor” type cable. I found that out when I mistakenly tried to use one of my old standby 40-conductor type cables, only to be welcomed by a very rude ALL CAPS message warning me about the perils of substituting a 40-conductor cable when I powered the machine up. Something about demoting my UltraDMA to DMA or something. So, off to the store I go. Again.
DON’T DO IT!!! I have like 10 of those cables, even have some at my desk. Maybe if you show up to the office some day I will give you one.
Deal! I’ll be in tomorrow. I still have to go to the post office, however, so I must leave the comfort of my warm home nonetheless.
Please have your PC report ready for me when I arrive. 2,000-word minimum, double-spaced please.