Just kidding, there is no good news. It’s all as dark and gloomy as the perpetual rainstorms in KC. Wow what a weekend. It was my turn at oncall, and wasn’t a good one. I essentially sat in front of my PC from Friday night until around 5:00 Sunday afternoon. OK, there’s a LITTLE good news; I think I actually got a little color from the rays coming off my 24″ monitor. Little late in the summer for a tan but better late than never.
We did leave the house for a short bit Sunday night, to get some dinner. We went to the new Los Cabos restaurant out at the Legends, and it was worth the drive. (When we left the house I didn’t realize it was at the Legends or I probably wouldn’t have gone.) Solid fish tacos though, and it broke up the monotony of staring at a screen all day; That was worth the drive in itself.