Busy Weekend

Whoa, that was quite a busy weekend, at least for us.  Non-stop action for the Kenagys.  That could result in a very lazy holiday weekend coming up… I’ll still be worn out.

Actually our weekend started on Thursday.  Doni planned a big date-night for my birthday, which was last Wednesday.  This is no lie; I can’t think of one night we’ve been out together since we got the pup.  For people who are used to going out two or three times a week this is quite an adjustment.  So, Doni hired a baby-sitter (Mike, her co-worker) for the evening and we hit the town.  She bought us tickets to The Iron Fork at the Sheriton in Overland Park.  Now that’s not exactly the most informative website I linked to there, so I’ll sum it up for you:  It was an event sponsored by The Pitch, benefiting Harvesters.  It was kind of patterned after “The Iron Chef” on Food TV.  Ten local chefs were given a bunch of (identical) ingredients and they had one hour to come up with their best dish based on these ingredients.  They had a big table full of vegetables and basic ingredients, and then they all HAD to use mangos and sea bass.  Sounds kind of silly, yeah, but it was pretty awesome to watch them work.  You didn’t get to sample any of the creations, but there were several local restaurants all around the room giving out samples.  We even stayed out rather late for us, although the baby-sitter was racking up a bill at the rather outrageous sum of 50 cents per 2 hours.  We stiffed him anyway, so what the heck.  Bill us.

Friday I went up to my boss’ house after work to try and fix his daughter’s PC.  I think we got it all up and running; the sound didn’t work and it had a few rather resilient virus’ on it, but seems to be doing OK now.  This was such a mentally and physically (had to take some screws out) taxing event that I had to go home and rest for the remainder of the evening.  We watched a movie, the name of which totally escapes me.  Sometime during this cinematic event I fell asleep on the couch, effectively ending the evening.

Saturday afternoon was spent hanging blinds in one of the spare bedrooms.  Gloom, despair, and agony on me.  I HATE hanging blinds.  It’s been brought up that I seem to hate everything relating to working around the house, but hanging blinds definitely rates higher on the list than, say, mowing the yard.  But, it had to be done, and it does look a lot nicer.  I even went the extra mile and shortened the length on them properly.  We’ve got several that have been hanging for five years now and still not been shortened, so I wanted to go ahead and do these while my momentum was up.  I even had sort of a technique down by the time I was through; Maybe I’ll knock out the others next weekend.  Or, perhaps I won’t.  After this horrible afternoon of drudgery, we went out to Mom’s for dinner.  Our birthdays were both last week, so we celebrated them by her making me dinner.  Nice how that works out, huh.  We had chicken grillers, salad, potatoes, and what I’ll call a corn casserole.  And, a strawberry pie for dessert with fresh berries from the garden.  That’s what I’m talkin’ about!!!  Sue, Dave and Rebecca came out too, which worked out great because we haven’t seen them in about way-too-long.

Sunday I got off to a rough start.  I made the dreaded mistake of turning on the TV while I was reading my paper.  I got sucked into some sorry movies, and the next thing you know it was 1:00 in the afternoon.  This kind of twerked me off because I cheated myself out of several good hours of nice weather.  So, I hooked up Gabe and we took off walking down to the Brooksider for some lunch.  I figured if we were going to waste the day, we might as well do it outside in the sun.  Alas, we got all the way down there and they were closed down for their stupid annual golf tournament.  CRAP!!!  This served to compound my twerked-off-ness quite a bit; I found myself quite baffled as to how to entertain myself.  The best idea I came up with was to put Gabe in the car and head out to Paola KS to visit Gabe’s foster family.  We actually already had plans to get together anyway, but I wasn’t supposed to be there until six.  Surprise, I’m a little early!!  Sometimes I amaze even myself with my dorkiness.  What the heck, it beat laying on the couch doing nothing all day.  They have an awesome-looking Pit Bull named Glory, and you could tell Gabe was more than a little excited to see her again.  We had a great dinner of shrimp and fish, the dogs played some more, and then we had to make the longgggg drive home.  Gabe fell asleep as soon as we left the driveway, so he wasn’t much company on the way home.

Well, I still haven’t gotten around to posting any vacation pics yet.  I rank organizing photos right up there with hanging blinds.  Here’s some pictures of Gabe playing with the neighbor dog though, just to shut you up.  The other dog is Bondai, he lives one house west of us.  Gabe and Bondai Pics