Breaking Things Again

Not too wacky of a weekend. I did leave the house Saturday afternoon to meet some friends for lunch, but that’s about it. The rest of the weekend was spent working on my trusty webserver. Oh no, it broke, you ask? Well not exactly; I broke it. It’s just what I do. I use a Synology server, which is commonly known for being “easy.” Set it up, get it working, and leave it alone. Seems it’s that last part I have issues with. I’ve been using the same system for at least 15 years. I’ve upgraded them, moved to new hardware a few times, and replaced a few things. This is all, as advertised, “easy.” Everything has always run fine for the most part, except when I decide to “fix” something. This is one of those cases again. Some years ago (10-ish maybe?) Synology came out with support for the BTRFS file system. And every day since, my thoughts have been consumed with how I can switch to it from my EXT4 format. Why? Because I don’t have it, I guess. I don’t even really know what it is, or if/how it would benefit me. But, switching over does not fall into the “easy” category like everything else. You have to delete everything and start from scratch. That’s a little disconcerting. That’s this website, 20+ years of pictures and documents, all kinds of handy little utilities I use every day… it’s actually very disconcerting. Well, after years and years of thinking on it, (again, for no good reason,) I decided to work on it this weekend. The wife is out of town, it’s still too hot to be outside… Time to dive in. I thought I came up with a plan where I could move everything instead of outright deleting it. So that’s how I spent my weekend. Moving huge amounts of files, waiting for it to finish, and then figuring out what was broken. Oh, and things did break. Hopefully they all got fixed, because things are harder to fix as time goes by and I can’t really remember exactly what I did. Now I’m at the point where I actually delete everything remaining and hope for the best. Just couldn’t quite pull the trigger on that part yet. It’s coming though. Should you happen to stop by here in the next few weeks and my website is down, it didn’t go well.

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