So, I wasn’t able to update this yesterday due to an extremely full schedule on the holiday. That, of course, is a blatant lie; I just didn’t feel like typing it. Plus, there is always that slimmest of chances that I might do something noteworthy on my day off, which might bear re-telling. That, of course, didn’t come about. I was slightly out of sorts from a rather busy weekend though. We started things off Friday night with a pseudo high-school reunion up at The Well. It was kind of an informal get together; Somebody posted on Facebook “Grandview alumn night at The Well” and that was about the extent of the planning. Had a rather good time of it at any rate. I’d say about thirty people or so showed up, some of whom I even remembered. We must have been enjoying ourselves; We stayed out until (gasp) 10:30!!
Saturday, I was scheduled to throw some ribs on the smoker and then spend the rest of the day watching them cook. That plan was derailed when I opened the ‘fridge to find the ribs frozen solid. This opened me up to spend the day in a more productive manner, so when I got a text message that everybody was headed to the Brooksider I quickly decided that qualified as “productive.” Well, I’m not sure about the productivity of the afternoon, but it was fun. Rather well-attended too; Martin, Scotten, Munkirs, Brice, Fahlstrom, etc. Lots of planning was put towards the BBQ team schedule for the upcoming season. Rather remarkable considering the team has technically disbanded. Hmmm. I ended up spending the majority of the day down there, finally dragging home to watch the evening football game on my own couch.
Sunday we started the day off right by meeting Donette’s family up at 75th Street to try out the new brunch menu. I was quite happy with it; We might well make it part of our regular rotation. I made a reasonable effort at depleting their stock of smoked salmon, but they must have been ready for me because there was still some on the tray when we left. It’s worth checking out if you dare venture to the Waldo area on a Sunday. It’s only the second week they’ve done it so they are still getting a few kinks worked out, but a few more weeks and it’ll be ready for prime-time. By the time we got done stuffing ourselves, the ribs has thawed sufficiently, so after reading the paper I threw them on the smoker and commenced to wasting the rest of the day. While they were cooking, I spent somewhere around way-too-long working on a backlog of computers that been dropped off at the house with various afflictions. There must be a rash of “bad stuff” going around or something, ’cause they were messed up. I got the computers pretty well fixed up, but the ribs didn’t come out too well. I think they coulda stood another hour on the smoker. Not remarkably, I had a little trouble keeping the temperature up; It was running right around 200 for most of time. I sliced up one slab and they were… “OK” I guess. (Donette gave them a rather harsh “thumbs down.”) I wrapped the other slab up in foil and threw them in the oven, they should be a little better but I haven’t tried them yet. Donette, meanwhile, had some friends over for a TV watching party. They watched whatever awards show was on; Golden Globes if I remember correctly? (And my memory is always highly suspect.) I never ventured downstairs so I’m not sure who all came over, or how many. Sounded like about a hundred. I spent my evening upstairs playing “Need for Speed” on the PS-3 and watching a few movies.
As for my day off on Monday, well I didn’t accomplish too much. Munkirs came by and picked me up, and we did a little bicycle shopping. Didn’t find that perfect deal though, at least not yet. The guy at Waldo Bikes suggested I get the most heavy-duty wheels available… Not sure exactly what he was implying by that. Geez, come on man. Every bike I looked at, “Don’t worry, I can swap those rims out for you.” Harsh. After that I continued working on the pile of broken PC’s at the house for the rest of the afternoon. For dinner Donette was going to make some tacos, but alas, the chicken that was destined for that meal had gone a little bad on us. So, we headed up to 75th Street again and had some tasty mussels for dinner. And I do mean tasty; They were even better than usual for some reason. Good timing on our part I guess.
Just for my own personal knowledge, how many PCs constitute a “pile”?
While I’m on the subject, did you see any common thread to the ailments you had to repair?
Currently 3, luckily laptops. (It’s always nicer when they can just get dropped off at the house.) Yes all three had “Internet Security 2010” on them, among other horrible junk. I had good luck with MalwareBytes, it seems to work really well although you have to read up on how to manually delete some of the stuff.