I took a night off finally. I had stuff scheduled, it just didn’t come together. I took a pretty good rain-dousing on my motorcycle on the way home from work and it kind of knocked the energy out of me I think. I was actually walking to the bus stop, ready to just leave my bike downtown for the night, when my trained meteorological eye determined I could make it home before the really hard stuff started. I am now 0-fer in those predictions. Actually I believe I would have made it last night, if not for all the construction on Main. For the last few weeks they have been tearing up what little good asphalt remains and pouring decorative concrete cross-walks. This effectively backs up traffic for blocks, as apparently they can’t just do one intersection at a time. I can only imagine the reasoning behind this ridiculous project. They have to be very careful while digging too, so as not to disturb all the pot-holes and steel plates, which I’m sure they have no intention of ever fixing. Sigh. Only in KC.
Anyway, I was about three miles north of home when the driving rain caught me. Ouch. Thank goodness for sunglasses, although a windshield would have been nicer. Oh well. I got home, dried out a bit, and turned on the TV for a night of nothing. Donette was out helping Dakin with a fund-raiser activity, so I seized the opportunity to watch some TV. I fired up Netflix and after a little searching decided on “Best of the Best 2.” (Because the first in the series was so good the public demanded a follow-up I guess.) It was a pleasantly dreadful show. I don’t want to be a spoiler, in case you were planning on watching it this weekend, so quit reading now if that’s the case. Basically, “The Team” from episode one has opened a martial arts school. All is hunky-dory, but behind their backs Chris Penn has been doing some underground fights at “The Colosseum” in Vegas. Naturally he comes up against The Bad Guy, who kills him in the ring. The other two Good Guys spend the rest of the movie training out in the desert (always the desert) for the Big Show-Down, as well as trying to coach Good Guy #1’s son through earning his black belt. (Which, oddly, he never does; I think in all the excitement they forgot about it.) Believe it or not, they do eventually come up against the Bad Guy, and kill him. The best part? Bad Guy #2 was none other than Wayne Newton. Awesome. After that I watched Zombieland, which was actually remarkably good. Sorta disappointing.
Its possible that you have the worst taste in movies ever. I don’t think you have ever listed a movie that I have seen maybe even ever heard of.
I like watching the crappiest movies possible because then I don’t feel like I missed anything when I fall asleep 1/2-way through them.