Just kidding, we didn’t have any excitement. Never do, sigh. Probably wouldn’t know what to do if I did actually find some excitement, so it’s safer this way. We pretty much just hung out and enjoyed the long weekend. We had a few interesting moments, if not particularly exciting… Did a small winery tour on Saturday and tried out a couple of new recipes over the weekend.
Friday, we tried out the first food experiment; Philly Cheesesteaks. Yeah, we’ve made cheesesteaks before, but always the traditional “shave up a ribeye and griddle it” kind of thing. This time I used a cross-rib roast instead of a steak. This oddity was, as is usually the case, driven by the fact that the roast was cheap. At least 1/3 the price of a good ribeye. Only trouble is, it’s NOT a ribeye. I really have never even heard of the cut, but for five bucks a pound I decided to give it a try. I ended up dropping it in the sous vide cooker for 30 hours at 130 degrees, and it worked out well. Only thing I’d change was, we didn’t like the rolls we ended up with. Good news is, we have plenty of beef left over so we’ll just get some different ones and try again.
The other thing we tried out was a rib recipe off the Bachans bbq sauce site. I’m honestly not sure how I ended up coming across that recipe, but I thought it looked good. And, luckily, it did come out pretty good, because we had some friends over to join us for dinner. Risky! I was pretty happy with the ribs, but next time I’ll start checking the temp sooner. I let them run the two hours listed in the recipe before checking them, and when I got ready to do the foil step they were already pretty much done. Oops. I cut the last step down to 30 minutes, and they survived.