And Suddenly It’s June

Where does the time go? I guess it flies when you’re having fun, or actually even when you’re not. We’ve been reasonably busy it seems. We had our big annual music festival at the end of May, and we’ve been keeping busy in the garden… OK that’s all I can think of at the moment, but I’m sure we’ve done dozens of other fascinating activities also.

Since I can’t seem to remember any further than 3 days ago, I’ll have to limit my update to this past weekend. We started off strong on Friday night at the second meeting of our Wine Club Wine Club. This group is comprised of a small number of friends that are all in various wine clubs out here. Clever name, huh. We meet once a quarter and enjoy a nice meal, then sit around and discuss the latest varietals we’ve received lately from our favorite vineyards, and of course taste a few notable bottles. Yeah, you could say we’re pretty fancy. That is also a pretty liberal stretch on the actual meeting description, but hey, it sounds good I thought.

Saturday, we drove down to the big downtown area of our little town, to watch the annual Wagon Train coming in from Tahoe. It was a pretty fun event, if just a little on the warm side. Basically, it’s a historical recreation of the old wagon trains that rolled west during the 1800’s gold rush. They shut down the street and had lots of informational booths set up to read about the event. Then about 3:00 the wagons rolled in, which is almost the end of their multi-day trip over the mountains. Pretty fun time! This was the 75th one they’ve done, rather impressive. After that we headed down to Cameron Park and met some friends at Moonraker. Good times there also. We even got to see our friends Grandpa Josh & Grandma Jenn! Haven’t hung out with them in quite a while, as they have been busy building out a nursery in their house in preparation for the arrival of grandbaby #1.

Sunday, speaking of wine clubs, we headed up to Edio Vineyards to pick up our summer shipment of wine. They had a nice event going on; You could taste each of the wines in your shipment, and they were paired with some small bites which were quite tasty. We stayed a few hours, but it was pretty hot out, so we headed back to our house and had some friends over dinner. This was a particularly notable event, as none of our friends have visited our house since July of ’22. Excitement was in the air, let me tell you. I put a tri tip on the grill, and thought it came out quite well. Even managed to hit the group-requested medium doneness. After dinner we sat around in the a/c and somehow lapsed into a somewhat odd karaoke session… Not entirely sure what happened there. No, there were not any pictures permitted.

2 thoughts on “And Suddenly It’s June

  1. Josh and Jenn get a name drop and we’ve been labeled as “friends” in the PKenagy blog for years… that’s RICH!

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