A New Hobby

After much deliberation, Donette & I have decided to go vegetarian.  I’ve messed up one too many briskets in my lifetime.  Heck with it, I’m just giving up meat all together.  To kick off our brand new lifestyle, we made black bean burgers for dinner last night.  Our original plan was to grill them, but the rain rolled in right when we were getting started so we cooked them on an indoor cast iron grill.  Our side dish was sweet potato wedges, done on the cast iron grill also.  It all came out quite nicely.  Next time we’ll probably add a little more zip to the burgers, probably in the form of some chopped jalapenos.  The ‘taters were a hit, I’m sure we’ll be adding them to more meals.

OK so we’re not really going veggie, we just saw the recipe on Ed’s website a while back and thought it sounded good.  We like black beans…  We like burgers…  What the heck.

3 thoughts on “A New Hobby

  1. You scared me there for a minute. I really would like to taste that great brisket of yours again. 12 years in between is to long!

  2. Europe is cheap, US is expensive. And next trip will be long and expensive. Need to get a better paying job with more vacation!

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