I can’t think of a catchy title this week so I guess I’ll just commence to typing. That was a busy weekend, which I am generally against. Vacations always end that way though… Everything just builds up while you’re gone.
Friday we headed down to the Brooksider after work for our friend Lisa’s 40th birthday party. Everybody is getting old. Someday I’ll be 40 too I suppose. They had some good food out but it was a little on the crowded side so Todd and I retreated to the deck after a bit. We called it a night early. I went home and watched movies with Gabe while Doni went out with “the girls.” They stayed out rather ridiculously late. Apparently they’ve never heard the phrase “There’s nothing to do after 10:00 but get in trouble.” Rabble rousers.
Saturday I woke up early and contemplated the enormous list of stuff I had to do. I contemplated, and contemplated, and contemplated and before I knew it, it was noon. We were supposed to be in Lawrence by that time watching a volleyball game with some friends, but Doni didn’t even get up until around 11:30 so we just cancelled that event. After she got up, I finally got the prompting I needed to start my task list. I started off with mowing the lawn, which I hadn’t done in two weeks. I need to turn off the sprinklers or something… The grass was just crazy-tall. C’mon man, it’s friggin’ September, enough with the mowing already. After that nasty chore, we headed out to Mom’s to work on her PC. Her email had been down for three weeks so I was due for a Sev 1 helpdesk call. When I got her re-connected, she had 142 emails waiting, which took over 30 minutes to download. Proof positive that dial-up should be banned. After getting Mom all fixed up, we headed over to the Munkir’s domicile. He was hosting a little happy hour, and then everybody was going to some Greek Festival. Not being of Greek lineage, however, we opted to just partake in all the free food and drink at their house and then headed home. The rest of the night was spent in a vain attempt at catching up on a particularly time-consuming work project. I made a small dent in it at best.
Sunday was a similarly over-booked kind of day. Man, I am never going on vacation again. I didn’t get all my work done Saturday night so I worked on that for a while, then turned on the tube to watch the opening day games. I didn’t get even close to finishing either my work or home projects, but football took precedence. While the games were on, we did shuttle back and forth to the kitchen on a freezer-cleaning project. We uncovered all kinds of treasures, like a nice meaty turkey carcass and a few slabs of ribs. This scrap-bounty yielded a good 6 quarts of stock and about 3 lbs. of meat… Looks like gumbo on the menu for next weekend. Doni also worked several hours on cleaning my car. The ol’ Civic passed the commonly accepted levels of sanitation about two months ago, and has gotten steadily worse since then. I think the final straw was when I left the windows down during a rain storm a few weeks back and all the dust turned into some kind of muddy sludge all over the dash. She spent a good two hours on it; It’s like a new car. It was kind of nice to drive in to work this morning without having to worry about my pants not touching the door or steering wheel. After the afternoon games, we grilled up some fajitas and had people over for the evening game. Doni had a salsa tasting too, with all the jars we brought back from New Mexico last week. I think El Pinto was the over-all favorite. Everybody picked Pace last though, which was encouraging.
Well that’s not my best work but I’m done. Spent. Exhausted. Let me be. I gotta rest up for the BBQ next weekend.