Now that was a good weekend.  We did one super-size bunch of nothing at all.  Quite relaxing really.  Doesn’t provide much material for the Monday update, but I’ll take it.

For the most part, it was a weekend of cinematic appreciation.  We had a few movies backed up on us that we hadn’t gotten around to watching, so we hunkered down in front of the TV and switched into “turbo-slug” mode.  I didn’t take it to quite the extreme that Donette did; She put on her jammies when she got home from work Friday, and didn’t change until Sunday afternoon.  Now that’s a professional relaxer at work there.  I at least made it to the gym for a while on Saturday.  Of course she did get some stuff done around the house between movies… I didn’t do anything of actual use.

So, bottom line, we did nothing so I can report nothing.  Best I can do is list off the movies we saw.  We started Friday night with the classic action movie, Dodgeball.  Good show, highly recommended.  It had all the mind-numbing qualities in a movie that I like; action, tasteless jokes, cheesy subplots, and a wholly predictable ending.  Five stars.  Saturday morning we had a 9:00 a.m. showing of “Swordfish.”  That one was a little “busy” for me… Still not really sure what the heck happened.  But, you know, Halle Berry and all… four stars.  Saturday evening we watched “About Schmidt.”  I’m still thinking on that one… I kept seeing myself 30 years down the road, which was monumentally depressing.  Maybe if the protagonist would have gone on Float Trip it would have been better.  Sunday morning we switched back to the mindless genre, with “Uptown Girls.”  Hmmmm.  I suppose I’ll get heckled for even admitting I watched that one.  I don’t know where the heck the rest of Sunday went; Aside from Doni making some soup I really don’t know what we did.  Anyway, around 3:00 we met Susan and Todd down at the Brooksider and went to see “Million Dollar Baby” in a real live theatre.  We haven’t been inside a real movie theatre since we saw “Austin Powers III” several years ago.  This time Susan hooked us up with tickets to the V.I.P. room, which we’ve been saying we wanted to go to for a long time.  That’s the way to go there; big ol’ reclining chairs, and a wait staff to bring you drinks and food and stuff.  The movie itself was pretty good too.  Todd gave it a resounding two thumbs down, but I kinda liked it.  It was just too darn sad though… I guess I’m more of traditional happy-ending kind of guy.  Since I actually might have beat a few people to seeing this one, I won’t go into any details; Suffice to say I could script a few much more “interesting” endings though, most of them revolving around Hillary Swank and swimwear.  Personally I would rather see “Dodgeball” up for the Best Movie award than this one, but that’s just my opinion.

After that, we went over to Susan’s and watched Sopranos, and called it a weekend.  Wow, what a huge waste of a perfectly good couple of days.  Quite relaxing.  I’m for it.  We don’t get to do that very often.  Oh yeah, Doni yelled at me last week for not mentioning that we are down to one pet again.  She gave Malachi (the obese black and white one) to one of her co-workers on a trial basis, and reportedly they are getting along just famously.  The other one, Kane, is more than pleased to be the lone cat again.  I still plan on getting a dog some time, but haven’t been able to pull the trigger.  Too much effort.  For the time being, dumping the litter box every several days and throwing a scoop of food in a bowl is about all I can handle.