Well, see, I’m kind of at a loss for material today.  We went to Omaha with Ed and Kim, A.K.A. “The Kids,” for the weekend, so the scope of activities was limited to “being in Omaha.”  I can’t stretch the same event into a whole lot of verbiage.  “Friday we were in Omaha.  Then, Saturday, we were in Omaha.  Sunday, we woke up in Omaha.”  See my dilemma?  I suppose I could break it down a bit, though.

Friday we were in Omaha.  We took off from work a bit early so we could hit the road, which I assumed was an effort at missing the north-bound traffic rush.  Turns out, unbeknownst to me, it was because we were supposed to be at a hockey game.  Nobody ever gives me the details, I swear.  Now, to hear Donette tell the story, I was given the information and chose to ignore it.  I’m sure everyone would agree that this would be totally impossible.  I suppose it doesn’t really matter that we were going to a hockey game; It’s not like I would have refused to go just based on that.  I would have, however, worn jeans instead of shorts.  It was just a bit chilly in the ol’ hockey rink.  It was tolerable though, and the hockey game was rather engaging too.  It was the local college team, UNO, and they were playing in the new-ish Qwest Arena.  Very nice facility, maybe KC will have one some day.  After the game, we checked into the hotel, then went out to eat at the Upstream Brewery down in the Old Market district.

Saturday we spent the better part of the day looking for a place to eat lunch.  I won’t go into details on that.  After our late lunch, we went to the highly touted Omaha zoo.  I’d say it lived up to the hype pretty well.  We were there a long time, so we must have been interested.  Man, it was a lot of walking though.  After the zoo, we took a short coffee break back at the hotel and then walked back to the Old Market district for dinner.  That area, by the way, was very cool.  Our River Market area could take some tips from them, although I suppose they aren’t exactly the same kind of thing.  Which isn’t to say they shouldn’t or couldn’t be the same thing, but that’s just my opinion.  Anyway, we had a little dinner and then took off on something of a tour to check out all the places we deemed “interesting.”  We had a rather loose criteria for “interesting”… Not quite as stringent as the “apostrophe-s” rule we had in Chicago.  Basically, I think it went something like “no cover charge and no tablecloths.”  I won’t cover the entire tour, but we had a great time.  We ended up at T. Henry’s, which was a particularly cool building.  They had the bonus of live music, which wasn’t all that horrible… Rather enjoyable actually.  They were kind of funny though… We’d clap after their songs, you know, just being polite by nature and all.  It was like nobody had ever done that before; We were like some kind of fan club by the end of the evening.  Anyway, the night wore on, and we were having a pretty good time, when all of a sudden some chick comes over and tells us we gotta go.  Get out.  Not now, right now.  I was somewhat baffled… “What, are we in trouble for the whole clapping thing or something?  Geez, lighten up a little.”  Turns out it was closing time.  I haven’t seen that in a while.  Closed a place down, and a college-crowd place at that!  Dang man, I am CRAZY!!!

Sunday, we drove home.  And, that about covers Sunday.