Well I don’t have a whole lot to report, but for the sake of consistency I suppose I should type something up anyway.  Let’s see:

Friday night we went to Chuck E. Cheese pizza place in Olathe KS, for my nephew’s 7th birthday.  While this deviated quite a bit from my “normal” Friday evening surroundings, it was a pleasant dinner.  I will admit deriving some amount of entertainment from watching kids “have fun.”  I particularly like the little movie camera thing, where they can dance around in front of it and it shows them up on the wall.  All of them have that incredulous expression of “this is absolutely the coolest thing on the planet.”  Little do they know that in a mere 15-20 years, they’ll be tethered to a chair in a 6×6 cubicle, arguing vehemently about insignificant issues via email and telephone, eating microwave hotdogs out of a vending machine for lunch, clock-watching until 5:00 finally comes so they can rush home and watch some horrible reality television show until it’s time to go to sleep, so they can get up and go BACK to the same chair and… uhhhhh, I digress.  Never mind.  Good pizza.

Saturday was such nice weather out, I decided to do a little “home maintenance.”  I took the front door off, carried it out to the front yard, sanded it down and put a new coat of finish on it.  It came out pretty well… A little glossier than I would have preferred.  Doni, meanwhile, worked on “the room” project.  She got a coat of primer on the walls and ceiling, and a pretty good coat in her hair too.  Some day it will be finished.  I also worked on the ol’ Civic a bit.  It’s been blowing fuses for several months, so I finally dug in and looked for the problem.  I found that there were 8 wires running up to the hatchback, and all 8 of them were cut.  Kind of “smashed” really.  So, drawing heavily on my 9 year education in Electronics, I bought a little wire-splicing kit and hooked them all back together.  Evidently my CMSU education was worth the time; I now have functioning brake lights, rear defrost, and the “hatch open” light stays off.  For another few weeks anyway.

Sunday we had people over to watch the football game on the back porch.  It seemed like a good idea when we checked the weather reports, but actually it was a little on the chilly side.  But, considering the time of year, it could’ve been a lot chillier.  After the unspeakable horror that was the Chiefs game, we went over to Susan’s and watched a few old episodes of “The Sopranos.”  Then I went to bed to await the dawn of another Monday morn’, so I could go in and sit in my chair in my 6×6 cubicle and… whoops, I digress again, sorry.