Yes my update is late.  That’s because I’m oncall.  Few things in life are worse than being oncall.  It’s a young man’s game, I’ll tell you that.  Oh well, I made it through the weekend, only 4 more nights to go.

A brief summary of the weekend…  Friday night we went to the Brooksider.  It seems like we did something a little more interesting than that, but I can’t remember what, so I’ll just leave it at that.  I know we stayed late (for us) and then as soon as I got home I got stuck on a phone call for the rest of the night.  Boo hoo.

Saturday morning I got up and went to the American Royal Parade with Mom.  This was a little bit tough getting started, because I’d been on the phone until 4:00 that morning.  But, Mom had a few things going for her;  I like parades, and she had donuts.  So, I poured a few pots of coffee down my gullet and off we went.  I’ll give the parade a 9.4 on a scale of 10.  Parking was good, (after a few miscues on my part) the crowd was about right, and it was great weather.  They could’ve used a few more motorcycle entries, a few more dogs, and they were going too slow.  Good stuff, all the same.  After the parade, a smarter person would have gone back home and gone to bed.  But, myself, I went out to lunch at the Blue Moose to meet Doni, James, and Todd.  We had a tasty, leisurely lunch.  After lunch, a smarter person would have gone home and gone to bed.  Alas, Todd and I went down to the Brooksider and watched the MU game.  After the MU game, we hooked back up with James and Doni, and went to the Wizards game.  I was definitely winding down by this point, but couldn’t blame anybody but myself unfortunately.  The soccer game was good I guess… General consensus was that soccer just isn’t a spectator sport.  We made the most of it though.  They are the division champs if you didn’t know.

Sunday, being a beautiful day, we decided to just hang out on our back porch and watch the football game.  So we dragged out our little 19″ TV, fired up the outdoor fireplace, and commenced to enjoy ourselves.  Somewhere during this celebration of life, Todd came over and presented me with one of his fine, high-dollar cigars, no doubt with the noble intention of making my day even more enjoyable.  For some reason, at the time, this sounded like a grand idea.  Oh yeah, I was hanging out in the sun, watching the Chiefs lose, smoking a big ol’ cigar.  This went well for about an hour and a half, until I got the bright idea to stand up.  My cigar, which was previously so tasty (I just keep telling myself that,) suddenly wasn’t sitting too well.  Despite the nip in the air, I was sweating profusely, having trouble focusing, and experiencing general misery.  Long story short, my day came to an early close.  I was D-O-N-E DONE.  Not a good thing.  I spent the rest of the lovely afternoon huddled under a blanket on the couch, while Doni repeatedly reprimanded me for wasting her good chili she made for lunch.  (Don’t think too hard about that last sentence.)  Phil has smoked his last see-gar I believe.

By the way I posted a few more pictures.  I don’t have the return links and stuff done yet, but the “content” is there at least.  These are the pictures Martin took at the American Royal BBQ.  Martin’s Pics